Mr. Edwards admired the well-built, pleasant house and heartily enjoyed the good dinner. But he said he was going on West with the train when it pulled out. Pa could not persuade him to stay longer." I'm aiming to go far West in the spring, " he said. "This here, country, it's too settled up for me. The politicians are a-swarming in already, and ma'am if'n there's any worse pest than grasshoppers it surely is politicians. Why, they'll tax the lining out'n a man's pockets to keep up these here county-seat towns.."" Feller come along and taxed me last summer. Told me I got to put in every last thing I had. So I put in Tom and Jerry, my horses, at fifty dollars apiece, and my oxen yoke, Buck and Bright, I put in at fifty, and my cow at thirty five.' Is that all you got?' he says. Well I told him I'd put in five children I reckoned was worth a dollar apiece.' Is that all?' he says. 'How about your wife?' he says.' By Mighty! ' I says to him. 'She says I don't own her and I don't aim to pay no taxes on her, ' I says. And I didn't. . Laura Ingalls Wilder
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  5. And next time you're planning to injure yourself to get me attention, just remember that a little sweet talk works wonders. - Cassandra Clare

More Quotes By Laura Ingalls Wilder
  1. Mary was bigger than Laura, and she had a rag doll named Nettie. Laura had only a corncob wrapped in a handkerchief, but it was a good doll. It was named Susan. It wasn't Susan's fault that she was only a corncob. Sometimes Mary let...

  2. The true way to live is to enjoy every moment as it passes, and surely it is in the everyday things around us that the beauty of life lies.

  3. There was no time to lose, no time to waste in rest or play. The life of the earth comes up with a rush in the springtime.

  4. So they all went away from the little log house. The shutters were over the windows, so the little house could not see them go. It stayed there inside the log fence, behind the two big oak trees that in the summertime had made green...

  5. The snug log house looked just as it always had. It did not seem to know they were going away.

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